Training sessions

The club hosts a series of training sessions throughout the week. These are open to all members and we cater for a range of specialities. Timing and contact details for the senior coaches are below. Please contact the relevant coach to find out more details ahead of attending your first session.

For details about training for young athletes, click through to the dedicated page.

For those that are completely new to running and wish to experience the benefits of running in a group there are a number of local running groups we recommend.


Monday 7pm - Seniors (Women)

Group Running (Social)

Finsbury Park

A Social run for all Club Members who identify as women or non binary.


Ella Inwald


Tuesday, Thursday, 5pm - 9pm (Young athletes only from 5-7), Saturday 10am-12pm and Sunday, 10am - 1pm

Track and field

London Marathon Athletics Track at Finsbury Park Track
Finsbury Park, London, N4 2NQ

We host a range of different athletics at our home at the Finsbury Park track. Coaches run different sessions to ensure you are able to develop as a runner.

We hold Beginner’s Track Sessions at the Track on Thursday Evenings from 7 pm.


Sprint groups: Sam Brown

Field and other technical events: Mark Lawrence

Middle and long distance runners: Chris Hartley

Beginner Track Sessions: Ella Inwald


Tuesday, 7:00pm

Crouch End Road Sessions

We meet outside the Crouch End Fitness Centre (formally YMCA) on Elmfield Road at 7pm on Tuesdays. (Please be aware we are currently not able to use the Fitness Centre’s facilities or leave belongings.) We run varied interval sessions of between 5-8 miles total - in the summer months in Highgate Wood and in the winter on residential roads in Crouch End. 

Session Leaders:

Katie Belkin /Rebecca Taylor/ Ann Woulfe


Wednesday, 7:00pm

Interval sessions and group running

Royal Free Hospital Recreation Club
Fleet Road, NW3 2QG

Wednesday evening training involves a choice of interval sessions and group runs in the Hampstead area. In the summer we run on the trails and fields of the Heath. In winter we move to the quiet lit paths of Primrose Hill, Regents Park or Hampstead Garden Suburb. This is a friendly group that caters for anyone who can comfortably cover at least 6 miles in an hour. Most importantly we always gather post run at a local pub, currently the Roebuck on Pond Street NW3 2PN.


Martin Potter


Saturday, 10:15am

Off road/trail running

Trent Park
Barnet, EN4 0JY

Interval session using the trails, hills and fields of Trent Park. Meet in the car park to the left of the park cafe (using the Cockfosters Road entrance) every Saturday subject to cancellations due to major club X Country races. There are unfortunately no lockers available, although you can usually put a bag in the back of someone's car. Great post run chatter and coffee.


Jerry Odlin


Sunday, 9:00am

Road running: Sunday Long Run

Highgate Tube Station & Manor House Tube Station

  • Highgate group meets at corner of Archway Rd and Shepherds Hill; Manor House group meets at Finsbury Park’s Manor House Gate.

  • Both groups run on the parkland walk until they meet in the middle.

- 9:00am long run 13+ miles at varied pace but probably sub-7:30min/mile (4:40 /km) on average

Please note: these training runs are not formally coached and we recommend coming to another of the weekly training groups first to get to know the club.

The steady run group generally incorporates a Spring marathon training plan into the Sunday runs between January and April, also meeting at Highgate Tube Station.