5km Heathside Handicap Race

Update - The re-arranged Club Handicap 5km Race will take place on Saturday, 12th September 2020

If you have already entered, you will soon receive an email with updated logistical info. Please read it carefully as many things will be a bit different this year! Please respond to heathsidehandicap@gmail.com. to confirm if you will be able to participate.

We’re extending the cutoff for entries until midnight on Saturday 5th September 2020, but this will be a strict cutoff. New entries should be sent to heathsidehandicap@gmail.com, including your age group, best recent lockdown 5km time, and wether this is your first Heathside Handicap.

The race will be organised inline of the latest EA Guidance,

“Please do not take part if you feel ill or are quarantining, ensure the organisers have your name and contact details, only arrive at your allocated time, social distance or keep at least 2m away from other people and please do not congregate afterwards. “

Roll on the 12th!

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