COVID-19: Finsbury Park track reopening with restrictions.

I am very pleased to announce that Finsbury Park Track is now back open for training albeit with a number of restrictions.

  1. All EA and current government advise/restrictions must be adhered to. See this link for an explanation of the EA guidelines -

  2. The track, infield, High Jump Bed, Shot Put and sand Pits are all now available. The track has been divided into zones and time slots bookable on line ONLY by coaches. At the moment we do not have the ability to accommodate individual members coming along to the track without being part of a coached group.

  3. The building is completely closed so there are NO toilet facilities on site.

  4. We would expect our members to adhere to the government’s test and trace scheme.

I would like to thank the team of people who have made this happen, Dave Walton, Simon Baker, Michael Hickey, Mark Lawrence, Ruth Miller and Zac for his zoning idea. With apologies to anyone I have missed off. 

I know that there are also ad hoc groups of members getting together for runs along with groups organised by Nilesh. This is great but please make sure you stick to the guidelines. 

All of this is a real boost and hopefully in the coming months we’ll be able to loosen the strings further.