Covid-19 - Suspension of Club Activities

As you have probably gathered the new Government Restrictions and updated England Athletics Guidance mean that the Club have had to suspend all group/ face to face coaching and training for 28 days until 2nd December 2020.  There will be no club sessions at the Finsbury Park Track during this time.

 The Clubs coaches are looking at ways of providing training guidance over this period and will be in contact in due course with suggestions how to keep active training whether alone, with a friend or family.

If there is any update to this advice we will of course notify you.

Please stay safe during this period and we hope normal activities will resume once again in December.

Club Chairman Jerry Odlin made the following statement:-”Dear Members, 

Once again we are in lockdown and effectively, we have to close the club down for this period. This despite the efforts of a number of governing bodies to protect grassroots sport which sadly fell on the government’s deaf ears. All our venues are now closed but will hopefully reopen in December.

 You are allowed to take exercise with one other person out of your household so I am sure there will be many of you who will pair up for training sessions. Our dedicated coaches, to whom we owe a great deal of thanks for their work over this entire period, will no doubt be in touch with you offering their advice. If at the moment you feel cut adrift from any coaching advice, please let me know and we’ll try and put you with the appropriate group. For the young athletes, Russell Weston is looking to see how we can keep this group motivated with some possible virtual competitions and/or agreed dates for competitions in December or January for the YA’s to aim for. There will be prizes J. Similarly, for the senior membership, we hope to put on some handicap style xc races in January at a fairly local venue. More news on that in early December. Our head coach Mark Lawrence will be morphing into Joe Wicks in support of his sprinting and technical events groups.

 Thankfully our membership numbers (just under 500 senior members and circa 200 young athletes) remain incredibly strong as do our finances. On behalf of the committee I would like to offer our sincere thanks to all of you for continuing to pay the membership subs. By way of some consideration for lost racing and training opportunities over this entire period we have agreed that there will not be any increase in our subscription rates until September 2022 at the earliest.

Please keep checking our social media and our website for any further news or updates. In the meantime, I wish everyone the best and fingers crossed look forward to seeing you soon.”

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