Finsbury Park Track - Repairs Update

Adrian Essex one of the Clubs representatives on the FPSP Board has the following update on the repairs to the track:-

“The flaking areas have been removed and discarded, and replacement patches put in place. The process of hardening off the new surface continues over the weekend ready for use on Tuesday 2nd November, but not before, please.

There is a good deal of guidance on how to get the best value out of an expensive athletics track. Please do try to observe the following

  1. No spikes longer than 6mm

  2. No weighted sledges on the track, please do this resistance work on the grass

  3. Keep out of lane 1 whilst training - let's save this lane for competitions

It can be seen that there are still problems to address, especially with lying water. In their continuing efforts to maintain and improve the facilities the Finsbury Park Sports Partnership has arranged a site meeting on Tuesday, with various interested parties.”

The indoor parts of the track (Gym, Meeting Room) will however remain available for use by members during our normal training times.

Your Coach should let you know of any alternative arrangements for training until the track can be used again.

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