London Heathside - COVID-19 - Further Update

Club Chairmain Jerry Odlin has issued the following update:-

“You probably have already seen the latest statement from England Athletics (see below) but just in case

Following the further restrictions on movement put in place by the UK Government last night, UKA and the Home Country Athletics Federations have made the following updates to our previous statement issued on 17 March:

  1. Extending the suspension of all athletics activity in England to the 31 May. [Initially this had been agreed to the end of April]. This suspension includes all organised athletics activity in the UK, including all competitions, formal club activities, running groups, and all Education activity (coach, official, teacher).

  2. Strengthening our position on coaching activity - We are now mandating that all physical coaching ceases, and only be conducted via virtual means during this period. Bringing groups of people together to train, however small, can no longer be permitted under the strict ‘Stay at home’ measures implemented by the UK Government.

Let us make sure that we at London Heathside all do our bit to support the government line and in our own small way help the NHS.”