London Heathside - Coronavirus - All Training SUSPENDED

In line with the whole of Athletics London Heathside have suspended all activities and training. All races and track meetings planned until the end of June have now been cancelled or postponed. Please see the regular updates on this websites for the current situation.

Club Chairman Jerry Odlin issued the following statement on 17th March:

“I have been checking the action of other clubs and combined with the governments announcements yesterday particularly with the message to Londoners I believe we have no alternative but, with effect from today, to stop all of our group training sessions and to effectively close the club down for a period of time.

I am going to ask the committee to regularly review this but are led by English Athletics. We obviously cannot stop informal groups of members training together, although there is some anecdotal evidence that this is not a good idea, but we most definitely cannot have anyone using Finsbury Park Track, the Royal Free or the YMCA in our name.

At risk are all meetings in the summer. We already know about most of the spring marathons, the YMCA contacted me re a possible date for their 10k in October.

Horrible times I think we all agree but we will get through this and hopefully our 20th anniversary party scheduled for September 19th will be a celebration of all that is good about the club.”

Further to the English Athletics statement on 15th May the Committee are now looking at how training can be resumed. The Finsbury Park Athletics Track however remains closed for the time being.