Trackbusters - Volunteers wanted

It's that time of the year again we most look forward to!

Preparing our wonderful track and field for the summer athletics season. We are in need of volunteers to aid us with getting the track ready for the season ahead. We are looking at two dates to do this, Sunday 30th April from 10am - 12pm and on Sunday 14th May from 10am - 12pm - both ahead of the SAL on 20th May.

Anyone who can come down for any period at those times will be greatly appreciated. We will supply tea, coffee and snacks on the day. Thank you so much in advance.

If you cannot make these times but still feel that you can contribute to the track at another time, please contact the new General Manager for the track, Roger Rebelo, on either of the following - 07507 440788 or

Hope to see you there.


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