England Athletics - Updated Coronavirus Statement (17th July)

England Athletics have updated their statement regarding the current Coronavirus Emergency.

As a result more training (subject to some conditions) can return with group sizes now increased to 12. However social distancing, continued hygiene measures and a register of attendees to assist any Track and Trace continues to be required.

The Statement can be found here.

The latest guidance can be found here for Athletes, Coaches & Leaders, Facilities, Club Activities., Road Racing, and Health & Safety.

They also updated advice about competitive athletics: Return to Competitive Athletics with updated timetable.

Club Chairman Jerry Odlin and the Committee continue to look at the updated guidance and how it can allow the club to restart more club activities.

The Club and Finsbury Park Sports Partnership have successfully re-opened the Finsbury Park Track for supervised training.

Please continue to regularly check these news pages or other social platforms such as the Club Facebook page for updates and details of when training arrangements change and hopefully when competitive events recommence.

Many Thanks

London Heathside