Advice for potential new members!

Are you thinking of joining a running and athletics club now that the Covid-19 lockdown is being eased? Good. Here's what you need to know about joining up with us, and training for future races, or just for fun and fitness.

We are very much open to new members now that it is possible to run and train in small groups once more. If you are wondering about joining a club, and would like more information about what we offer, take a look at the Membership and Training pages of our website. There, you will find details of who to contact - coaches and others who can advise you and get you started on the journey to becoming a stronger athlete. We offer coaching tailored to sprinters, middle and long distance runners, road and fun runners, triathletes, jumpers, and throwers. Take a look at the training offered - and the various locations we run sessions from - and get in touch with any of the named contacts mentioned. They will give you all the information you need to make a decision about joining up with us.

At the current time, we have limited access to the running track at Finsbury Park on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Saturday and Sunday mornings. If you want to take part in sessions, you will need to be a member and to contact your coach. He or she may be able to arrange a time that suits you. With numbers restricted by current government guidelines, it may not be possible to train on the track as much as you would like. Bear with us - we will have more athletes training on the track as soon as it is safe to do so. Meanwhile, there are all sorts of other training options offered by the club - check them out on the Training page.

So, what's stopping you? Go to our Training page, identify the contact who is appropriate for your objectives, and get in touch with us.

We'd love to see you training with the club soon!