Return to Training: Message from the Club Chairman

Club Chairman Jerry Odlin issued the following message:-

 “Dear members

When I first took over as Chair of London Heathside and certainly during most of my running career the principle areas of discussion revolved around the racing calendar, what training sessions are on each day and where is the nearest pub for a debrief after a session or race.

Now it’s a tad more complicated, with the club effectively becoming a major contributor to the maintenance of Finsbury Park Track on a voluntary basis, ensuring our child protection policies are as good as they possibly can be, that our coaches are properly qualified along with many more new regulations and now the good old Covid 19 situation. With regard to the latter we are very lucky to have Simon Baker on board who has spent considerable time over the past few weeks interpreting all the latest government guidelines.

If you really want to plough through all the official documents they can be found here,

However, I am delighted to say that albeit with a number of restrictions in place we would like to welcome everyone back to the running club.

Simon has summarised all the current advice and guidelines for the coaches and for the committee, this is partly shown below:


a) The limit on numbers training has been lifted as long as it is in a Covid-19 Secure Area and Social Distancing can be adhered to.

b) A coach can train unlimited athletes in a "Covid-19 Secure Environment" (see below) but only 12 athletes at a track.

c) An attendance register must be kept by the coach or club to allow the Nhs test and trace.   

d) Vertical jump training can take place in groups of 5 athletes, landing mats can be cleaned between sessions (rather than jumps).

e) Social Distancing must be adhered to in all competitions e.g. run in alternate lanes (Maximum distance 800m run in lanes).


a) Athletes should follow the latest hygiene guidelines, bring hand sanitiser, their own water/food and be aware of the facility operating Covid-19 policy

b) Athletes should not congregate before or after training.

c) All coaching should adhere to a prepared Risk Assessment, primarily self distancing, washing hands or cleaning equipment between use. 


o   Athletes should try to social distance at all time during training (i.e. keep at least 1m+ apart).

o Starting Blocks should be used by one athlete and cleaned between use.

o   Steeplechase Barriers and Hurdles can be used but cleaned between sessions 


o   Hands must be cleaned before starting training and social distancing adhered to

o   High Jump and Pole Vault beds should be cleaned before and after a session with appropriate cleaner which should not damage matts.

o   Poles or bars should be cleaned 

o   Sand Pits should be turned and raked between athletes.  The venue should treat the sand with a suitable sterilisation fluid.


o   Equipment should be used by one athlete and cleaned between session 

Off Track Coaching and Leading including Road Running:-

o   Unlimited numbers of athletes can train in public places as long as it is in a Covid-19 Secure Environment. 

o   All Athletes should adhere to normal safety procedures and social distancing.

Covid-19 Secure Environment

a) Must have a Covid-19 Coordinator, Risk Assessment and Covid-19 Plan

b) Social Distancing must be adhered to. 

c) All athletes should complete pre-training health questionnaire and supply contact details to adhere to Track and Trace

d) Coaches/Leaders should ensure hygiene standards are adhered to.

Easy eh!

If you want to be part of a coached group you still need to get in touch with the coach running the session to request inclusion but with the more informal groups such as the Sunday morning runs from Highgate Tube Station this will not be necessary provided you maintain the normal social distancing rules in place at the time.


You will start to see competitions being advertised, particularly on the track but with the social distancing rules, organising an event is far more difficult. On the track 800m (in lanes) is the furthest distance you can race at moment. (this may change of course) but I’ve seen the hoops that we would have to jump through to get a competition licence and I have to say it is not something I would like to take on or expect anyone else to do so. I would encourage you to enter any forthcoming county/area or national competitions that you see, as that level of competition will be much better organised than anything we can do. However, providing we stick to the general rules mentioned above and we keep it to club members ONLY, events like Zac’s more informal event on Wednesday can go ahead and I have authorising Matthew Cockerill to proceed with organising the club handicap race

I have to say it is very unlikely that any mass participation events will take place soon.

Lastly, I do have one document that I must make all members aware of. This follows this newsletter and unless you contact me otherwise effectively opts you in to a “covid19 code of conduct” whilst at the club.

Thankfully the level of infection around London in general, is very low. But as we’ve seen this virus can pop back up anywhere and at any time. Let’s try and ensure that we at LH are not responsible for any re-occurrences.

Hope to see you all again soon


Jerry Odlin,

Chair London Heathside”