87 runners in 2016 hot handicap

For once no thunderstorms threatened the midsummer 5K handicap race around Highgate Wood. An impressive turnout of 87 runners completed the course in temperatures hovering around the 30°C mark. Despite the heat there were outstanding performances and PBs all round. Runners, marshals and general hangers-on fairly swamped the Wrestlers pub in Highgate later for the prize-giving and results.

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Women's winner: Hannah Jordan 22:31
Fastest woman: Celine Murray 19:28
Fastest veteran woman: Sue Rust 19:34
Fastest woman debut: Katie Curd 21:04

Men's winner: Steven Betts 22:59
Fastest man: Adam Kirk-Smith 15:33
Fastest veteran man: Simon Brown 17:44
Fastest man debut: Charles Hardy 17:14

The latest instalment of the Club Triathlon Championships was the Hillingdon Tri this weekend, reported by Sandra.

"Hillingdon has an odd format with the bike and run legs being switched around from the usual order and the duathlon being run-bike only. It's a friendly, low-key but well organised event, and rivals Crouch End 10k for the best after-race doughnuts! This year the bike course had to be altered at the last minute because of an accident and road closure, making it a bit more technical and less favourable to time trial bikes. However this didn't stop Jespe Lycke winning the Duathlon."

In the triathlon, Sandra Buckton picked up the women's Vets prize on a roll-down (which, presumably, is where you run your competition over with your bike) while Nick De Sausmarez finished shortly afterwards, completing the Heathside Triumvirate.

This was the last event in the Heathside Duathlon champs, and the second event in the Triathlon Champs. The final triathlon event is Herts Tri, at Stanborough on 29th August.

Rather belatedly (and with apologies) we have a trans-atlantic race to report for Rich Macaulay and Noelle O'Regan, from their holiday in New York.

Says Noelle: "We did have time to squeeze in a 5k race this evening in Prospect Park in the 30-degree heat, where Rich came 3rd with a time of 16:50 and I came "slightly" later in position 161 with a time of 24:44, out of 370 runners.

"There was also an 8-year-old boy (I repeat EIGHT YEARS OLD) who ran it in 18:33. And he went to collect his gold medal (for his age category) as if it was nothing, as if he had 10 of them already." Sign him up!

We had plenty of Heathsiders on marshal duty at the midweek City 5k, but also a few running for their respective accountancy / legal firms, hedge funds, etc.

Running faster than a rogue trader was Andrew Brooker, representing SOAR running, who collected a gong for third male, in a road PB of 15:38. Jacob Howe (City University) was just outside the top 100 in 17:53, with Jim Connell (Key Production) about 90 seconds further back.

As the results aren't searchable by 'Heathside', it's entirely likely there are a few more city slickers knocking about. If you ran and you'd like to be added to the results, get in touch!


  • Leigh James finished as second female at the Windmill Half Marathon, near Blackpool

  • Check out this week's parkrun results, with first place finishes for Tom Aldred, Stuart M, Gareth M, Rebecca Bunting and Satu


Standard Chartered Great City Race (5k), 14/7/16
3 Andrew Brooker 15:38
110 Jacob Howe 17:53
303 Jim Connell 19:36

Al Goldstein Summer Speed Series, NYC (5k), 6/7/16
3 Rich Macaulay 16:50
161 Noelle O'Regan 24:44

Hillingdon Triathlon / Duathlon, 17/7/16

Duathlon - 6k / 25k
Jesper Lyke 01:29:21 (run: 40:28; bike: 48:53)

Triathlon - 750m / 6k / 25k
Sandra Buckton 1:41:51 (swim: 13:41; run: 31:07; bike: 57:03)
Nick De Sausmarez 1:56:37 (swim: 18:49; run: 33:54; bike:1:03:54)