Big Half, National Schools Games, London Masters & Heath Duathlon


The Big Half

Twilight 5000’s

National Schools Games

London Masters champs / BMC

Hampstead Heath Duathlon

Dorney Half / Treggy 7


The Big Half        Greenwich          1 Sep


The Big Half styles itself as London’s community Half Marathon, and certainly lived up to its name in terms of numbers of Heathside runners, with 33 club participants in the 12,000+ mass race ; plus Seyfu competed in the elite race and finished 4th there ( in a time that would have won the mass race easily ) , results as follows ;

4             Seyfu Jamaal                     1hr 4m 36s

24           Kader Seyed                      1hr 12m 9s        

84           Conor Brown                     1hr 16m 31s

92           Will De Cothi                     1hr 16m 43s

99           Jose Sabroso                    1hr 17m 5s           12th V40

161        Jonny Forsyth                    1hr 18m 47s           6th V50

175        Raoul Metcalfe                  1hr 19m 9s

418        David Lee                           1hr 23m 55s

429        Peter Dowds                      1hr 24m 7s

448        Ed Boden                            1hr 24m 22s      

511        Justin Badger                     1hr 25m 11s          8th V55

673        Paul Beale                          1hr 27m 20s

813        Mark Dean                         1hr 28m 45s

1096      Glen Taylor                         1hr 31m 36s

1383      Matteo Etchemendy        1hr 34m 15s

1613      Roy Kimachia                     1hr 36m 10s

1665      Yen Vo                                1hr 36m 36s          15th FV45

1731      Timothy Meara                 1hr 37m                                           

2236      Chris Magierek                  1hr 40m 17s

2321      Paul Mercer                       1hr 40m 46s

2456      Jack Da Silva                      1hr 41m 36s

2643      Tom Griffiths                      1hr 42m 40s

3386      George Sutton                   1hr 46m 33s      

3509      Jonathan Finney                1hr 47m 13s

3846      George Aston                    1hr 48m 50s                     

4184      James Connell                   1hr 50m 22s

5077      Moya Malekin                   1hr 54m 9s                       

5208      Phil Mcgaw                        1hr 54m 39s

5432      Steve Crowley                   1hr 55m 32s

5785      Antonio Ribeiro                 1hr 56m 59s

8797      Stefano Spalvieri               2hr 9m 23s

10794    Salman Adam                    2hr 18m 44s

11130    Caroline McGraw             2hr 20m 31s

12215    Steven Murnane               2hr 27m 6s

Tracksmiths Twilight 5000s         Parliament Hill                28 Aug

Seyfu and Kader also participated the previous week in the Twilight 5000m races, as did Thomas Watts, with Kader setting a PB. and Seyfu winning the A race


SX5 33   Thomas Watts   18m 13.29s

SX7 8     Kader Seyed      15m 49.38s         PB by 1.3s

SX8 1     Seyfu Jamaal      14m 28.20s

National School Games, Athletics Field Events, Loughborough, 30 Aug


Elkie Baker picked up a medal at the National Schools Games, as Simon Baker reports :

“ Elkie Baker took part in the National School Games over the weekend. “  The competition which is a legacy of the 2012 Olympics takes place Bi-annually and features 1500 young athletes across 11 sports over a 4-day weekend hosted at the impressive facilities at Loughborough University.  The Athletics competition takes place over two days with field events on the Friday and track on the Saturday.  The top 4 U17 athletes from each of the home counties is selected plus the next 4 highest ranked athletes.  The alumni from the games is impressive boasting at least 11 medallists in Paris having competed in the Games.  

Elkie competed in the Discus which kicked off the action on the Friday morning in very sunny conditions.  She was 2nd after the first 3 throws however former National Schools winner Matilda Farrar (Waverley) threw a big 38.73m in round 4 to take the title with Elkie finally finishing in 3rd place,  but with another medal to add to her collection.”


Discus (Women)

3rd Elkie Baker (U17W) 36.73m (32.48m, 33.47m. 35.23m, 36.67m, 35.55m, x)


London Masters/Vets AC  Champs           Tooting Bec       31 Aug


Adrian Day reports

“ Tooting Bec-kons …

 At least three Heathsiders ventured to deepest south London on Saturday to take part in the London Masters / Vets AC Champs (this was held at Finsbury Park last year).  Fiona Holland ran in the 1500m and won Gold in her age group . Fiona was in the same race as the incredible Clare Elms - who took the W60 World Record  for the 1500m in 4:57.14! At 60 years and 9 months Clare is the oldest woman in the world to break the five minutes barrier. It wasn’t a huge surprise as she currently holds 24 British age group records!

 Israel Nworgu  resumed his hurdling rivalry with fellow M35 athlete Michael Shortall. Israel took Silver in the 400m hurdles, but then beat Michael to win Gold in the 110m hurdles.

 Meanwhile I had a successful afternoon taking a clean sweep of sprint Golds in the 100m, 200m and 400m in my M65 age category. A late start to the 100m meant the three races were squeezed into 90 minutes, so no PBs in the 200 or 400 “


100m                   Adrian Day   V65                              14.43s

200m                   Adrian Day                                        28.80s

400m                   Adrian Day                                        67.25s


1500m                 Fiona Holland     FV65                     7m 52.21s


110 Mh              Israel Nworgu       V35                       16.85s

400 Mh              Israel Nworgu                                     64.24s

BMC Regional Races       Gillingham                               2 Sep


2             Richard Macaulay            2m  1.42s

Hampstead Heath Duathlon  1 Sep


Hannah Yip reports ;

“ A smaller turnout this year from London Heathside for the 25th Hampstead Heath Duathlon (also known as the Pondathon).

Three laps of Parliament Hill Lido (180m in total), a run to Highgate Men's Pond (1,100m), one lap of the Men's Pond (340m), a run to Kenwood Ladies' Pond (690m), one lap of that (230m), a run to the Mixed Pond (2,200m), one lap of the Mixed (180m), and a final 1,400m run to the finish line near the Lido.

I got a bit lost towards the Mixed Pond, but managed a PB.

Conditions were very favourable, with the water temps being approx. 19–20 degrees. There were over 400 participants for this year's event and (for the first time) there was a finisher's medal.”


1st W Kirk 30:48

46th Anne-Marie Clifford 38:47

55th Tanya Addison (V50) 39:24 (2nd V50)

65th Marcus Lloyd (V50) 39:56

72nd Oliver Negus 40:32

96th Katie Belkin (V50) 42:22

110th Hannah Yip 43:18 (PB)

121st Liam Hazelton 43:55

180th David Ingamells 46:56 (PB)

189th Lorna Stevenson 47:25

305th Sue Eedle (V60) 55:54

Dorney Lake Half Marathon        Windsor             1 Sep


back to the roads, and Gavin Evans encountered some unexpected events in his half marathon at Dorney Lake, where he finished as the first V60, and sends in this report,

 “ I was the sole Heathsider running this four-lap half on a hot, windless day (22 degrees) at the Eton boating lake.

The organisers, RunThrough, decided to get the most bang for their buck, so put on several waves of triathlons, a 10k, 5k and half marathon all together. This meant that instead of running around the lake like the triathletes, the runners had to do a back-and-forth on one side of the lake, meaning that for the half there were 12 u-bend turns, which was far from ideal because it was very stop-start. Also, all the runners went off at the same time and we also found ourselves running with the triathletes some of the time.

I finished in 1:30:59, which, rather surprisingly, made me the first V60 by more than two minutes (this wasn’t the most competitive of races). However, when I looked up the results I found I was listed as having run this time for the 10k instead of the half, which was perplexing because I had the black half marathon number, had registered for the half and my name was among the half entrants. I wrote to inform the organisers but at the time of writing they had yet to correct it. Oh well “.


20          Gavin Evans         1hr 30m 59s   (1st V60)



Treggy 7              Launceston        1 Sep

26           Martin Potter     44m 34s 1st V55

160        Jackie Wastell     59m 51s 3rd FV60

( pictured on front )


a summary of the week’s Parkruns can be found here

Compiled by Mark George, with thanks to contributions from Adrian, Hannah, Gavin, & Simon

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