LICC, triathlon champs, and a bluffers guide to multievents

We had a great track and field turnout at the final London Inter Club Challenge (LICC) fixture at Hendon, where there were some outstanding performances. Of particular note were Jimmy T and Rich Macaulay both coming third in high-class 100 and 800 metre fields respectively, with Rich inside two minutes again, and Charles Hardy leading home the 1500m race by some considerable distance.

• Heathside's own track and field championships is on 18 September at our all-new Finsbury Park track, so if you fancy taking any of these guys on or testinng yourself at another event, get your online entry in now! → 

Meanwhile the final race in the Heathside 2017 triathlon champs was the Hertfordshire Triathlon at Stanborough Lakes. Ruth M describes it as a really well organised, fun, local event.

"Great performances all round but especially Marco, 5th male overall in the Sprint event in a time of 1:13:43 (not counting the women who won the race outright!) and Hannah Jordan, who got 7th women in the Olympic in an awesome time of 2:41:00: There was great cycling from Seb Harrison. James Dark - always improving - was 3rd V40 and congrats to Sara Dark on completing her first tri.

"I was pretty pleased with my 'semi retirement' result too. We just need more Heathside triathletes to support these great local events."

The multieventers of Heathside's future, meanwhile, were in action at London Fields Tri's Go Tri Aquathlon (the right kind of aquathlon, see below), where Lorna and Evelyn Dumbleton both splashed to first place in their categories. Alex and Kate Driscoll finished 2nd and 3rd in their categories respectively, while Hattie Munday also finished 3rd in her category, with Etienne Munday 5th in his.

Bluffers guide to multievents 

  • Aquathlon - swim and run (there's also a short version called a biathle)

  • Aquathlon - same name, but confusingly enough this one's underwater wrestling. Probably best to clarify which one you're doing before you sign up

  • Modern pentathlon - concessions to modernity include going around the place on a horse and settling your differences by fencing

  • Equilateral triathlon - triathlon where all legs are equal distance. Ironman distance not recommended unless you happen to own a submarine

  • Tetradecathlon and isodecathlon - these are ultra multievents, or 'multras' as they're probably not commonly known

In these last two we had Adrian, Tony and Lauren in action at the 6th IAUM European Championships in Cambridge, with Lauren taking 4th place in the tetradecathlon (14 events), and Adrian taking gold in the M65 category and Tony silver in the M50 category for the isodecathlon (20 events, finishing with a 10,000m). 

Adrian was full of praise for the organisers and the event in general: "Tackling so many events in such a short space of time is a challenge. Any niggles are exaggerated, given so little time to recover. The final mass 10,000m (25 runners) in the Icosathlon finished well after dark, in rain on Sunday, but rather wonderfully started only 10 minutes late, despite the loss of a pole vault upright in the middle of one of the competitions.

"There were probably a lot of club records  - especially in rare events like the 200m hurdles."


  • Monika Newton announced her candidacy for next year's road race-XC championships double: "I took part in JLL 5km on Thursday 26th August and finished first lady in 20:13. Not my best time but considering it was rather a hot evening, it could have been worse." Worse than first place? Unthinkable.

  • She may not be a shoo-in just yet though, as Rebecca Piggott led home a gaggle of Heathsiders and the entire women's field at Serpentine's ever-popular Last Friday 5k in an outstanding 18:12 

  • Peter Duggan was slogging it out at the Regatta Road Race in Dartmouth, described as 'a testing 5.1 mile course with no dogs or iPods allowed' on the race website.

  • This week's parkrun results include first place finishes for Rebecca Bunting and Ryan McCrickerd.


LICC fixture 4, Hendon

100 SX1
3 Jimmy Thoronka 11.02

100 SX6
4 Michael Bense 12.9

100 SX8
4 Claudia Bioh 13.86

100 SX9
1 Cono Ariti 14.13
4 Helene Kehoe 15.19

200 SX4
1 Michael Bense 26.09
6 Noelle O'Regan 28.5

200 SX5
4 Cono Ariti 29.86

200 SX6
4 Helene Kehoe 31.24

400 SX3
6 Alex Macaulay 61.72

400 SX4
1 Michael Bense 58.19
5 Noelle O'Regan 64.72

3 Richard Macaulay 01:58.19

1 Charles Hardy 04:16.76

2 James Connell 19:17.38
3 Michael Abrahams 20:34.76

1 Israel Nworgu 16.59

Long Jump SXB
9 Gokce Baydar 4.44

Discus 1KG SW B
4 Helene Kehoe 12.39

Hertfordshire Triathlon 

Sprint distance 
(750 swim, 20+Km cycle, 5Km off road run)
Marco Luna 1:13:43 (Swim 9:48 cycle 41:59 run 20:16) 5th Male
Seb Harrison 1:20:22 (Swim 15:58 cycle 41:43 run 20:23) 9th male
James Dark 1:24:38 (Swim 16:33 Cycle 43:39 run 22:00) 18th male ( 3rd V40)
Ruth Miller 1:26:58 (Swim 15:28 Cycle 45:29 run 24:10) 5th Female (1st V50)
Sara Dark 1:39:45 (swim 16:04 cycle 51:55 run 28:08) 16th Female

Olympic distance
(1500 swim, 40 km cycle, 10 km run)
Hannah Jordan 2:41:00 (Swim 24:04 cycle 1:20 Run 54:52) 7th Female

Last Friday of the Month 5k, Hyde Park
17 Rebecca Piggott 18:12
21 Gareth Marshall 18:28
22 Mark Jefford 18:34
35 Andy Owen 19:15
76 Nick Dodd 21:04

Regatta Road Race, Dartmouth
87 Peter Duggan 45:13 

JLL Property 5k, Regents Park
64 Monika Newton  20:13

IAUM European Championships, Cambridge

Senior Women's Tetradecathlon
4th Lauren Hendry 4,063 points

100m Hurdles - 18.93 - 397pts PB
HJ - 1.33 - 439pts
1500m - 7:01.80 - 209pts
400mH - 1:21.78 - 251pts PB
Shot - 6.60 - 309pts PB
200m - 0:29.74 - 500pts PB

Day 1 - 2105 pts

100m - 13.52 - 681pts PB
LJ - 3.73 - 248pts PB
400m - 1:11.78 - 301pts
Javelin - 6.96 - 52pts
800m - 3:16.85 - 224pts
200mH - 0:41.46 - 211pts
Discus - 16.77 - 220pts PB
3000m - 17:58.28 - 21pts

Total: 4063 points

M50 Icosathlon
2nd (and European Silver Medallist) Tony Killilea 9,389 points

100m - 13.82 - 567pts
LJ - 4.41 - 463pts PB
200mH - 0:32.92 - 590pts
Shot - 6.79 - 363pts
5000m - 19:03.20 - 687pts
800m - 2:33.53 - 680pts
HJ - 1.32 - 411pts PB
400m - 1:02.96 - 594pts
Hammer - 14.73 - 153pts
3000mSC - 12:18.49 - 774pts

Day 1 - 5282 pts

110m Hurdles - 21.87 - 400pts
Discus - 17.93 - 241pts
PB 200m - 0:27.41 - 650pts
PV - 1.60 - 132pts
3000m - 11:23.94 - 675pts PB
400mH - 1:17.74 - 423pts
Javelin - 16.13 - 159pts
1500m - 5:40.57 - 575pts
TJ - 8.20 - 268pts
10000m - 46:48.90 - 584pts

Total: 9389 points

M65 Icosathlon
1st (and European Gold Medal) Adrian Essex 11,548 points

100m - 13.89 - 801pts
LJ - 4.42 - 746pts PB
200mH - 0:36.36 - 634pts
Shot - 8.81 - 605pts
5000m - 24:52.41 - 438pts
800m - 2:58.20 - 658pts
HJ - 1.32 - 653pts
400m - 1:06.77 - 710pts
Hammer - 18.37 - 301pts
3000mSC - 16:01.16 - 600pts

Day 1 - 6146 pts

110m Hurdles - 21.27 - 722pts
Discus - 21.12 - 359pts
200m - 0:29.17 - 752pts
PV - 2.00 - 379pts
3000m - 14:17.52 - 507pts
400mH - 1:23.34 - 555pts PB
Javelin - 25.21 - 433pts
1500m - 6:24.18 - 623pts
TJ - 8.12 - 525pts
10000m - 54:54.42 - 547pts

Total: 11548 points

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