North West London Young Athletes XC at Trent Park
A good turnout for the juniors on a lovely day at Trent Park.
Some highlights: Ruari McGonagle had another strong performance, finishing in second place in the Boys U11 race; the Boys U15 team finished with top honors for the second straight week (WELL DONE!); and several young people competed for the first time.
The course was extremely muddy, as many families' bathtubs will attest. Numerous Heathsiders are in with a chance at an overall individual medal, having not missed a race so far!
NWLL, Trent Park 29/11/14:
U11 Girls: 1400m
8 Rose Garrett 6.41
15 K. Driscoll 7.20
18 Hattie Munday
Shaftesbury Barnet Hrs 6
Barnet & Dist AC 20
Highgate Hrs 40
London Heathside AC 41
TVH 48
Dacorum & Tring AC 51
Enfield & Haringey AC 57
Trent Park RC 64
U13 Girls: 2450m
20 Ella Conlon 12.51
U15 Girls: 3000m
12 Phoebe Crockford 14.40
15 Meg Naylor 15.06
21 J. Matthew 15.39
22 S.Tucker 15.40
24 Rachel Finke 15.49
29 Naomi Conlon 17.21
Shaftesbury Barnet Hrs 25
Harrow AC 28
Ealing,Sthl.Mdx AC 46
London Heathside AC 'A' 48
Barnet & Dist AC 'A' 48
Highgate HRS 51
Enfield & Harrow AC 69
TVH 70
London Heathside AC;B; 75
Dacorum & Tring AC 75
Barnet & Dist AC 'B' 84
Trent Park RC 84
U17 Women 4200m
5 Genevieve Weston 20.03
Shaftesbury Barnet HRS 12
Barnet &Dist AC 19
TVH 21
London Heathside 23
Enfield & Harringey AC 24
U11 Boys 2450m
2 Ruairi McGonagle 10.23
15 Arthur Reed 11.43
24 S.Harries 12.04
39 Oliver O'Connor 12.55
43 Zak Brookes-Caufman 13.30
45 O.Boss 13.35
47 Etienne Munday 14.33
Shaftesbury Barnet HRS 31
Highgate HRS AC 45
Harrow HRS 'A' 45
Harrow AC 55
London Heathside AC 80
Trent Park RC 'A' 82
Ealing, Sthl. Mdx AC 123
Highgate Hrs ‘B’ 129
Trent Park RC ‘;B’ 149
TVH 153
Barnet & Dist 159
Enfield & Haringey AC 165
U15 Boys 3000m
5 Liam Garrett 16.59
8 Antanas Weston 17.30
16 J. Raine 18.54
London Heathside 49
Ealing, Souithall & Mdx 50
Highgate Hrs 52
TVH 53
Harrow AC 59
Tret Park RC 63
Shaftesbury Barnet Hrs 63
Dacorum & Tring AC 67
U17 Men 5600m
6 Johnny Naylor 23.20
7 William Griffiths 24.11
10 Jacon Philiphs 24.51
Trent |Park RC 31
Barnet & District AC 36
London Heathside AC 40
Dacorum & Tring AC 54
TVH 54
Shaftesbury Barnet Hrs 63
Enfield & Haringey AC 64
Ealing, Southall & Mdx 66