COVID-19 - Club Update (23rd September)

The Club can confirm that the latest changes to restrictions due to COVID-19 will not impact the Club’s training or group running activities.

Club Chairman Jerry Odlin released the following statement:-

“We have now been successfully operating again as a club for 3 months without incident and I would like to thank you all for your efforts as well as patience and understanding.  

We have all seen the rise in Covid-19 cases and the Government's new restrictions on groups of people meeting indoors or outdoors to just six people.  After some initial confusion Sport England and England Athletics have confirmed that as Athletics has gone through the Return to Play protocols and the Club have made efforts to ensure both the Finsbury Park Track and the Organised Running Groups provide a COVID-19 Secure environment we can continue to operate without any new restrictions. See 

However it is now Autumn with schools having returned and the weather likely to become more challenging we need to ask you to continue to adhere to the rules we have had to adopt to keep you safe:-

  • Please do not take part in training or any other Club activity if you do not feel well or are Self Isolating

  • Please make sure you have provided the correct contact details to your Coach or Run leader.

  • Please keep at least 2m distant from others throughout the event or training session when at all possible which includes while racing.

  • Please regularly clean hands or use Hand Sanitiser where provided or after touching shared equipment.

  • Please do not congregate with others before or after training

All Training Groups will continue to be formally organised and supervised by a Club Coach with numbers limited to 12 per group. Due to the limited resources of FPSP to clean regularly access to the Building at Finsbury Park continues to be discouraged. The Club will keep a record of everyone's attendance at training for 21 days for NHS Track and Trace purposes. More details of the impact of COVID-19 on Club activities can be found on the Club website and we will continue to update you of any changes. If you have any specific questions please contact the Club's COVID-19 Officer Simon Baker (

On a happier note the shortened track and field season has seen some superb Heathside performances with a number of Club records broken as well as great performances in virtual and actual long distance events which have taken place, albeit with extra precautions. We can now look forward to Park Run recommencing in October as well as pilot Cross Country races with the first actual Championship races being the South of England Cross Country Relays on 17th October. Again please check the website for updates of Events and how to register your interest to take part.”

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