COVID-19 - New Government Restrictions Update

The Government have issued new restrictions on groups of more than 6 meeting indoor or outdoors from Monday 14th September.

Sport England have now clarified that organised sports that have passed the Return to Play Protocol can continue as before and are not restricted to the limit of groups of 6.

Because the Club have put in place actions to ensure Finsbury Park and our other Training Groups are COVID-19 Secure we can continue to train as before under the supervision of the Club Coaches.

However all Club members are reminded to adhere to the following:-

  • Please do not take part in training or any other Club activity if you do not feel well or are Self Isolating

  • Please make sure you have provided your correct contact details to the Coach or Run leader.

  • Please keep at least 2m distant from others throughout the event or training session when at all possible which includes while racing.

  • Please do not congregate before or after training

This news also means that the current T&F Open Meetings will continue in the autumn, Park Run remains on course to recommence in October as do the pilot Cross Country events.

The Sport England Guidance can be found Here.
