Burnham Beeches Half, Pride 10K, 54321 Trail Marathon, Trail des Fantômes and Young Athletes League

Despite being a relatively quiet weekend for racing, Heathsiders managed to produce some excellent performances in various events around the country and beyond. Of special note - Katie Curd came in first woman in her first marathon, and Manuel Yeboa, Sanaa Neunie, Kyerah Scott and Fabien Weston all gained first places in the Middlesex Young Athletes League.


Burnham Beeches Half, 14.08.16

This scenic half marathon, run on a two lap course in Burnham Beeches re-appeared in the racing calendar again this year (after being cancelled last year). Three Heathsiders took part, all coming in the top 50 (out of 559 runners)  with Ed coming 15th in 1.24, Trevor 39th in 1.32 and Carl coming first V60, just behind Trevor, in 1.33.


Pride 10K, Victoria Park, 14.08.16
Six Heathsiders took part in the Victoria Park Pride 10K on Sunday, led home by Jonathan Litchfield in a great time of 38.35 with Leigh just behind him coming in 2nd woman.


Salisbury 54321 Trail marathon, 14.08.16
Katie Curd ran her first marathon at the Salisbury 54321 off-road trail marathon and was delighted to come in first woman in a more than respectable time of 3.42.


Middlesex Young Athletes League, Hendon, 14.08.16
The Middlesex Young Athletes League was held in Hendon on Sunday and Ruth reported: “This was the trial match for our new Middlesex Junior League. Although our numbers were small due to school holidays, the kids who participated did really well and seemed to enjoy it. For once we had more sprinters than middle distance and Nathan's coaching has paid off with some impressive results.  Bring on next season“. The full listing of results can be seen below.


Trail de Fantȏmes, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 14.08.16
Bas Vlaming decided to go a little further afield for the weekend and headed over to Belgium for what sounded like a "testing" trail run. He came in 275th place out of 400ish participants and had this to say:" I went for a rather mountainous trail run in the Belgian Ardennes, in La Roche-en-Ardenne. The Trail des Fantômes is run over five different distances, and I went for the 33 km event. Even though I did look up the altitude profile and did some research on trail runs and this trail in particular, I was still in for a bit of a shock in practice. Beautiful surroundings and tracks, sure, but the 4000 ft ascent over the race meant that mortals like me could only run maybe half the time, as for the other half you were on an ascent or descent that was just too steep, uneven and/or slippery to run on. And sometime too steep to even walk. It was good fun though, and starting at a rather conservative pace definitely helped in being able to finish reasonably comfortably, even though it took me 5:33:35 to do so in the end. Also, two UTMB qualification points in the bag, which will most definitely remain unused, thank you very much."


Orion Forest 5, Epping Forest, 06.08.16
Late results for the Orion Forest 5 - three Heathsiders ran in this, the third (and last) of the Orion Forest 5 summer runs, on Saturday 6th August, led home by Phil.  As Marco and Phil competed in all three races they also qualified for an overall place (calculated as a total of times from the three races) - Phil came 4th and Marco was 22nd.


Burnham Beeches Half Marathon, Farnham Royal, South Bucks,14.08.16
15th Edward Adams 1:24:43
39th Trevor Wilson   1:32:15
48th Carl Heap         1:33:29 (1st V60)


Pride 10K, Battersea Park, London, 14.08.2016
41st         Jonathan Litchfield   0.38.35
55th          Leigh James        0:39:24 (2nd lady)
165th        Elizabeth Drake  0:43:59
212tg        Jessica Vinluan   0:45:14
440        Kerstin Kinkelin   0:49:47


Salisbury 54321 Trail marathon, Salisbury, 14.08.16
Katie Curd 3.42 (1st lady)


Trail de Fantȏmes, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 14.08.16

275th Bas Vlaming 5.33.35


Orion Forest 5 Summer Series, Epping Forest, 06.08.16
19th 31.55 Phil Duggan
89th 38.23 Marco Masserati
106th 39.23 Tom Bedwell


Middlesex Young Athletes League, Hendon, 14.08.16

UNDER 17 MEN     

U17 Men's A 100m
2nd Afolabi Soboyede 12.06 


U17 Men's B 100m
1st Manuel Yeboa 12.09 
U17 Men's A 200m
2nd Manuel Yeboa 25.60 
U17 Men's A 1500m   
3rd Antanas Weston 4:57.66 

Boy's A 100m
4th Tinarje Daniel 12.67 
U15 Boy's A 1500m   
5th Stan Brown 5:19.98 

U13 Boy's A 100m
3rd Sam Noah 14.37 

U13 Boy's A 1500m   
7th Joseph Beckett 5:42.78 



3rd Max Deasy 15.33 
2nd Max Deasy 2:48.85 

5th Theo Kelly 24.42 


4th Phoebe Adugna 3:20.08 

2nd Shianne Dyer 13.33  
4th Sharon Parish 16.13
2nd Shianne Dyer 13.33  
2nd Sharon Parish 22.07
4x100  U15 Girls 4x100m
2nd Heathside 56.38  

2nd Kyerah Scott 13.91  
1st Sanaa Neunie 14.00  
Shot Putt
1st Kyerah Scott 6.52  
Shot Putt 
1st Fabienne Weston 4.61  
A Javelin      
3rd Fabienne Weston  14.19 
B Javelin      
2nd Kyerah Scott  10.53 

2nd Lauren Walker  15.39

4 Skye Kelly  3:01.51  

Long Jump
6th Skye Kelly  2.49 
2nd Skye Kelly  23.32  

Parkruns took place in many venues – check them out here. Congratulations on first places go to Ryan McCrickerd at Hampstead Heath, Joanna Brown at Highbury Fields, Tom Aldred on the Isle of Wight and Sandra Buckton at Ally Pally.

Caroline WhiteComment