Hampstead Midsummer and other 10ks

This weekend was busy, despite the rain, with a good turnout at the Park Runs on Saturday (Elspeth Storrer was first woman in the Hampstead Heath race), and of course with our very own Hampstead Midsummer 10k.

The Midsummer 10k, one of our Road Race Championship series, took place on Sunday and, despite it being a tough 3 lap hilly course, was very well attended by Heathsiders and others. It was a great morning, with perfect running conditions - cool and breezy - and delicious watermelon as refreshment at the end. Edward Garrett was first Heathside man, 8th overall, and Elspeth Storrer (obviously not exhausted by her Saturday victory) was the first Heathside woman, 7th woman overall. Heathside women and men won the team prizes, and prizes were also won in the men and women’s Vet sections.

The hills of Hampstead didn’t appeal to everyone, and a small group ventured over to south-west London and did well in Richmond 10k where they won the men’s third team prize, and a strong Heathside front was also seen in the Trent Park Triffic trail. Further afield Claire Sliwerski completed the tough North Downs 30K, in what sounded like testing conditions ….  Earlier in the week saw Dave Spencer (v60) running well in the Lee Valley sprint evening, with his first 200m race since 1999. The Crockfords and a group of Zac's lads did well in the Self Transcendence 3x1 relay in Battersea Park on Monday,  while Ruth finished 8th in her age group at the British Triathlon Championships (Olympic distance) in Shropshire on Sunday to qualify for the world champs in Auckland in October. All results for this past week are listed below, and also included are some results which didn’t arrive in time for last week’s race report focusing on the weekend of 16th and 17th June weekend – the 8 mile Dorridge Fun Run, the LICC Copthall event, and the British Masters Athletics Federation Pentathlon.


Self Transcendence 3x1 mile relay 25/6/12 Battersea Park
Team London Heathside
7th out of 48, in 15:30

James Wooldridge (U15) 5:02
Miron Woldemichael (U17)        5:14
Daniel Szajna (U17)             5:14

“The Crockfords”
24th in 17:55

Phoebe Crockford (U13)  6:27
Pete Crockford (M50)            5:29
Jasper Crockford (U15)          5:59

Simon Clarkson (Heathsider running for composite team)
1st leg 6:24

Hampstead Midsummer 10k 24/06/12
(provisional results only, these could be subject to a few small changes)

Full Midsummer 10k results for all participants can be found here.

8th 37:51 EDWARD GARRETT MV40 (1st MV40)
11th 38:25 KENNETH HENEY M (11th male)
12th 38:35 ADAM MITCHELL M
13th 38:41 HOWARD  GOLD MV40 (2nd MV40)
17th 39:40 ROBERT SHULMAN MV40
26th 41:42 NEIL MITCHELL MV50 (2nd MV50)
27th 41:48 LEO PEMBERTON M
37th 43:35 ROGER WAGLAND MV40
40th 43:54 JAMES FELSTEAD MV40
45th 44:34 URSULA WILSON FV35 (2nd FV35)
46th 44:35 ANDREW HUDSON MV50
47th 44:39 KAREN LEVENE FV35 (3rd FV35)
53rd 45:47 MIRANDA YAU FV35
71st 48:01 CAROLINE WHITE FV45 (1st FV45)
73rd 48:11 JOANNE IRWIN FV35
76th 48:42 GAVIN PARISH M
80th 49:04 AGI PALANKI F
86th 49:25 PAUL SILVERMAN MV40
95th 50:27 ALAN  LYONS MV40
96th 50:28 RUTH AITKEN F
97th 50:31 ANDY CONWAY MV50
113th 53:06 DAN WILLIAMS MV50
117th 54:32 ALICE PARISH FV35

North Downs 30k 24/06/12
305th  Claire Sliwerski FS  3.29.54 (chip time)

Lee Valley Sprints Evening 20/06/2012

David Spencer (V60) 200 metres, 28.90, 4th of 8. (First 200m race since 1999)

Richmond Park 10k 24/06/12
17th      Dan Madams    34.16
26th      Edward Samuel  35:21
46th     Rob Salter 36:32
143rd   Mark George 41:09

Won third men’s team prize

Triffic Trail 10k, Trent Park,  24/06/12
17th Robin Tremain 43.15 - 2nd Male vet
30th Brian Boyle 45.19
79th Martin Dop 49.24
119th Martin Hill 52.14
131st Sarah Guy 53.05

British Triathlon Champs (Olympic distance), Shropshire, 24/06/2012

Ruth Miller 8th (age group placing)
2hrs:33.00   ( Swim 1500m  29.21; Cycle 40Km  1.15.33; Run 10Km  45.02) 

Park runs 23/06/2012
Ally Pally 
36th Steve BUTTLING-SMITH 00:38:04

Brighton & Hove
43rd Mark DERRY 00:20:15

Finsbury Park
3rd Alex GALLOWAY 00:17:28
8th Dan FINDLAY-ROBINSON 00:18:51
15th Michael TANT 00:19:58

Hampstead Heath

12th Elspeth STORRAR 00:21:31 (first lady)

Additional race results from last week
LICC, Copthall, 16/06/2012
(official results were only available for the field events)

3rd    Xelia Mendes-Jones 28.84

5th Pete Crockford 10:51 (unofficial)

8 mile Dorridge Fun Run 17/06/12
6th         Dan McKeown   49.49

British Masters Athletics Federation Pentathlon, Horspath, 17/06/2012
Adrian Essex fought a strong contest but didn’t quite win the BMAF outdoor pentathlon title despite winning the running section -   full results here.

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