Xelia Mendes-Jones 3rd in SE U17 javelin

We witnessed a brace of impressive performances by London Heathsiders over the past week – with our runners giving their blood, toil, tears and sweat (well, maybe not too much of their blood)  on muddy fields, wind-swept tracks, water-logged roads, and for the mad few, the seas and oceans too.

The stand-out performance in the field events belonged to Xelia Mendes-Jones, who came third in the javelin in the South of England U17 Girls championships in Watford on Saturday, with a throw of 30.19m. Lily just missed out on a medal in the 300m, with the second and third placed girls running PBs to make the podium.

As Sue Rust and Adrian Essex report, congratulations are due to our SAL athletes for doing a brilliant job of pulling together as a team and performing beyond the call of duty in the fourth fixture of the season on Saturday. Based on draft results the team came in second, their best performance since the first fixture. It was an inspiring cumulative effort, taking in the actual athletics, team management, and heroic officiating. The results capture the team’s athletic efforts, but not all the other hard work that goes into participating in a track & field fixture and everyone deserves credit for stepping up to the plate, with thanks in particular to Rob and Chris for their officiating and, in Chris’s case even a shot put. Young athletes Djanira, Angelica and Christiana (who wasn’t even there to compete) also did a fantastic job of helping officiate the javelin events, which was a trial by swamp in ankle-deep standing water on an infield that looked like a landscape from a WW1 film after a heavy bombardment from the hammer throwers left it pockmarked with substantial craters.

Tom Aldred delivered the run of the week with his Olympian 15.51 over 5km in the rainy, muddy, slip-sliding Club Handicap at Highgate Woods last Tuesday – a championship record. The fastest woman, by almost a minute, was Sarah Swinhoe in 19.31. Also in blistering form was Rob Salter who burned up the hilly course in 17.48 to take the fastest debut prize, just pipping Steve Monaghan (also 17.48) by a nose. Steve took the fastest Vet prize for men and Miranda Yau, in 21.06, took the fastest female vet prize – three seconds behind her relieved husband, Raymond Yau (although it should be stressed that he had a 45 second head start). The full results can be found via this link: http://www.londonheathside.org.uk/home_news.htm?tb=looptb3&loop3_id=143

There were several impressive Park 5km performances in Saturday’s rain (thanks to Gaby for sending these). Pick of the pack was Liam Proudlock’s first place in the wet and hilly Ally Pally (18.39) while Emma Grayson was the first woman in 24.38. Rob Salter’s 18.03 for second place in Finsbury Park and Daniel McKeown’s 17.48 in Gunnersbury (4th place) were also noteworthy. Dan also came an impressive 16th in the Northbrook 10km in Coventry on Sunday, with a PB time of 36.25.

London Heathside’s steadily growing triathlon sideline was once again on display on Sunday – this time in the speedy, gritty (or just plain masochistic) form of Ken Heney who completed the Ironman European Championships in Frankfurth in 10.38.16. At the Olympic distance, Howard Gold cruised through the Bristol Harbourside Triathlon in 2.25.53.

South of England U15/U17 championships, Watford

U17 Girls Javelin

3rd  30.19m  Xelia Mendes-Jones

U15 Girls 1500 m (heat 2)

11th 5. 15.1  Lauren Gee

U17 Girls 300m
heat 2
2nd    43.01         Lily Beckford         U17
300m final
4th    42.53         Lily Beckford

Southern Athletics League Match 4, Walthamstow, 14/07/2012

Senior Men


A 3rd       11.6     Emmanuel Nwaobodo

B 1st       11.7     Jordan Glaze (U20)


A 3rd          23.3     Emmanuel Nwaobodo  PB

B 2nd          23.5     Jordan Glaze  PB      


A 4th          69.3     Alex Macaulay

B 2nd          56.3     Israel Nworgu


A 4th          2:33.6  Nathan Cyrus  

B 4th          2:55.2  Adrian Essex (V60) (PB)


A 4th          5:01.3  Alex Macaulay

B 4th          5:05.0  Paul Lemmon (V45)


A 4th          10:30.5            Paul Lemmon

B 4th          11:34.5            Alex Macaulay

110m Hurdles

A 1st       17.3     Israel Nworgu

400m Hurdles

A 2nd      67.7     Nathan Cyrus            

B 3rd         98.0     Adrian Essex

3000m Steeplechase

A 3rd          11:30.8            Paul Lemmon (SB)

B 3rd          15:45.1            Adrian Essex (PB)

4x100m relay

2nd      44.8     London Heathside

4x400m relay

2nd      3:40.5  London Heathside

High Jump

A 3rd        TBC     Nathan Cyrus

B ?

Pole Vault

A 2nd          2.60     Nathan Cyrus

B 2nd        1.50     Adrian Essex   SB

Long Jump

A 1st          6.47     Emmanuel Nwaobodo            PB

B ?

Tiple Jump

A 2nd        12.51   Ashley Baynes

B 1st 1          12.27   Nathan Cyrus

Shot Put

A 4th          6.35     Nathan Cyrus

Senior Women


A 4th    14.0    Fatima Fofana
B 2nd    13.6    Djanira Costa (U17)
non-scoring 3rd    14.2    Angelica Wynter


A 3rd    28.1    Nicky Famodun (U20)
B 3rd    29.2    Fatima Fofana


A 2nd    TBC    Anne-Christine Scherer
B 2nd TBC Sue Rust
non-scoring 2nd    28.0    Anne-Christine Scherer (PB?)


A 2nd    2:31.9    Sue Rust
B 2nd    2:41.8    Claire Morrissey (PB)


A 3rd    5:19.8    Claire Morrissey    PB

B 2nd    5:30.1    Katherine Vinnicombe (SB)


A 1st    11:05.8    Anna Critchlow (V40)

B 1st 12:04.8    Elspeth Storrar


A 1    17.9    Djanira Costa

2000m Steeplechase

A 2nd 7:53.8    Sue Rust

4x100m Relay

A 2nd    53.9 London Heathside

4x400m Relay

2nd    4:38.7    London Heathside

High Jump

A 1st    1.40    Anne-Christine Scherer

B 1st    1.35    Estelle Camprecios

Long Jump

A 2nd    4.63    Anne-Christine Scherer

B 2nd    3.63    Angelica Wynter

Shot Put

A 1st 9.48    Anne-Christine Scherer

B 3rd  6.24    Milly Watkins


A 1st    25.65    Angelica Wynter    PB

B 1st    22.60    Anne-Christine


A 4th    13.36    Sue Rust (SB)

B 2nd    9.10    Milly Watkins


A 4th    17.34    Milly Watkins

B 3rd    11.04    Estelle Camprecios

Park Runs, Saturday July 14

Ally Pally

1 Liam PROUDLOCK 00:18:39

4 Rob SHULMAN 00:20:21

5 Dominic JACKSON 00:20:42

11 Emma GRAYSON 00:24:38

16 Ruth Helen FORBES 00:26:11

21 Lyn EVANS 00:29:07

Finsbury Park

2 Rob SALTER 00:18:03

8 Brian BOYLE 00:20:32

9 Carl Andrew HEAP 00:20:34


4 Daniel MCKEOWN 00:17:48

61 Nessa JACKSON 00:24:11

Hackney Marshes

18 Russell WESTON 00:21:38

Hampstead Heath.

28 Rajesh BATRA 00:24:13

49 Bob GOULD 00:25:56

Northbrook 10k, Coventry, Sunday July 15

Dan McKeown – 36.25 (PB)

Bristol Harbourside Triathlon. Sunday July 15

Howard Gold - 2.25.53.

Ironman European Championships, Frankfurt, 08/07/2012

677th Ken Heney
Swim 01:03:10 (2.4 miles)
Bike  05:26:44  (112 miles)  
Run 03:59:56   (26.2 miles)
Total 10:38:16  

Gavin EvansComment