Full report and results on SAL #3, Cambridge

Southern Athletics League #3, Cambridge, 14.7.24

Captains Lily Woolcock and Rich Macaulay report on last Sundays SAL #3 : “On Sunday, our Southern Athletics team faced a very tough trip to Cambridge for our penultimate fixture facing top of the table Havering, alongside Ryston, Ilford, and Herts Phoenix. In the end, despite fielding a very strong team (and scoring more points that we did to win our last match) we came 3rd, narrowly behind table-topping Havering, who themselves were closely behind Cambridge & Coleridge who bought out all their big guns to win their home fixture. But this was still a very respectable performance in our toughest fixture so far. But the good news is that we should still be in second place, and promotion is still in our hands if (when) we can win our final fixture on Saturday 17th August in Ware – so get this in your diary!!

On the men’s team, some of the star performers included Thomas Wasserman, who took part in 7 (yes, seven) events – including multiple throws, 400mH, 110mH Pole Vault, which he had been taught to do that same week and made a super impressive 2.40m! Our sprint team were in dominant form, including comfortably winning the 4x100 relay (Neo, Carlos, Asha, Leon) despite a very stop-start first handover and with both Leon Seale and Carlos Mingoes easily winning the A and B 100m races respectively in sub-11 times! Prithvi Raj Sharma also won the A string high jump for the third match running (as well as coming 2nd in the triple jump A string and throwing the shot)!

George Warren and Mikel Alexander made their SAL debuts in the 400m running a very credible 51.9 and 54.3, respectively! George and Mikel also teamed up with George Saint and Leon Seale to dominate the final event of the day: the 4x400! Yann did the middle-distance double again, getting a 2:04.5 season’s best 800m in the process! He was joined by the return of Will Ross in the 800 and George Saint in the 1500 (who came 2nd in the A race with a 4:12.7!)

Pete Wooton returned for another crack at the steeplechase (3000m) alongside Chris Gracie, who decided to warm up for the event by cycling to the event all the way from London, and even made time to stop during the race and tie his shoelaces, such was his determination to prolong his enjoyment of the event! In the 5000, Andy Barnes ran a good 5000m to dip under 16 mins and congrats to Arthur Hawkes, making his SAL debut, who ran a massive PB and dipped under 17 mins for the first time!

Also, a shout out to reliable veteran Ivan Ross, who did the high jump, pole vault, discus, and javelin – and has also been putting on some pole vault training events recently. There will be some roe of these leading up to the next SAL – do let us know if you are interested in trying this cool event!

The coaches also got involved in the action, with Israel winning the 100mH, as well as doing the 400mH on about 10 mins notice, and also doing a very respectable long jump. Kurt impressively threw an almost 10m shotput, almost making up for the embarrassment of his hammer efforts! Kim also came very close to her PB in the 3000m with a time of 13:36.

Our SAL superstar Genevieve Weston on the women’s team took on several events again including a first pole vault in decades and coming third in the event. She got a season’s best individual event points haul of 22 and we thank her enormously for her contributions to the team across middle distance, throws and jumps. Captain Lily Woolcock inspired by the multi-eventer also went on to fill gaps and bring in 15 individual points.

The women’s sprint team was also dominant with juniors Asia Emanuel and Magdeline Paitoo coming 2nd and 1st in the 100m A and B strings; then Magdeline and Samiyah Wilson coming 4th and 1st in the 200m A and B strings.  Asia went on to win the long jump with 4.76m with Kyra Smith coming 2nd in 4.41m for the B string. Elkie Baker and Imani Quamina both threw well over 7m and finished mid table in both strings. Amazingly we had more athletes than scoring places for the hammer and Kyra and Imani did a stellar job against tough competition. The 4x100m team absolutely stormed to victory in 50.2s (nearly 4s ahead of the competition) made up of Asia, Magdeline, Kyra and Imani. The 4x400m team came third in what turned out to be a tight and competitive race with Lily Woolcock just over taking Cambridge in a competitive sprint finish. A big well done to Noelle, Emily and Genevive for strong runs in the first three legs after already competing in multiple events.

Rachel McDonald came 2nd in the 400m in 61.3s following a strong run in the 800m coming in 3rd place. She was joined by Emily Clarke making her debut in the 800m and ran a very confident and even race to come 2nd in the B string in 2:27 – a rising Heathside middle distance start for certain! Emily also came 3rd in the 3000 in 10:53 after her 800m bringing in 9 points for the team before being part of the 4 x 400m squad. Ysabel Drewett also made her SAL debut running 10:56 in the 3000m with Emily in a true Heathside teamwork race before having to dash off.

And last but not least, a massive shout out to our accompanying band of officials, without whom these fixtures would not be possible (as well as giving us valuable points): Jerry, Dave Walton, Simon Baker and Jacob Howe, we salute you!”

Abbendum:- Our Women’s 4x100m team broke the club record by over 1s especially impressive as 3 were U17 and one U20.


Team:- 1st Cambridge & Coleridge 267.5 pts, 2nd Havering 263 pts, 3rd London Heathside 255.5 pts, 4th Herts Pheonix 215 pts, 5th Ryston Runners 211 pts, 6th Ilford 163 pts




Leon Seale 10.9 A 1st 

Carlos Mingoes 10.8 B 1st 

Neo Fujiwara 11.3 ns

Mikel Alexander (U17) 11.54 ns

Asha Osei 11.4 ns

James Pothalingham 12.5 ns



Carlos Mingoes 22.1 A 2nd 

Neo Fujiwara 23.2 B 3rd 

Asha Osei 23.0 ns

James Pothalingham 25.3 ns



George Warren 51.9 A 2nd 

Mikel Alexander (U17) 54.3 B 4th 

Pete Wootton 60.9 ns

Andrew McGeary 61.9 ns



Yann Sevestre 2:04.5 A 5th 

William Ross 2:08.2 B 4th 

Artie Feeny-Willings (U20) 2:23.3 ns



George Saint (U20) 4:12.7 A 2nd 

Yann Sevestre 4:23.5 B 2nd 

Denden Hadju 4:48.3 ns 



Andy Barnes (V40) 15:58.9 A 4th 

Arthur Hawkes (U20) 16:54.6 B 2nd 

Kwasi Agyei-Owusu (V40) 18:06.3 ns



Israel Nworgu 16.7 A 1st 

Thomas Wassermann (U20) 18.1 B 1st 



Thomas Wassermann (U20) 62.9 A 2nd 

Ivan Ross (V45) 68.1 B 2nd 



Christopher Gracie 10:47.4 A 3rd 

Peter Wootton 11:31.6 B 2nd 


High Jump

Prithvi Raj Sharma (U20) 1.75m A 1st 

Ivan Ross (V45) 1.35m B 3rd=


Pole Vault

Thomas Wassermann (U20) 2.40m A 4th 

Ivan Ross (V45) 2.40m B 3rd 


Long Jump

Israel Nworgu 5.34m A 4th 

Thomas Wassermann (U20) 5.00m B 2nd 

Andrew McGeary 3.93m ns


Triple Jump

Prithvi Raj Sharma (U20) 12.11m A 2nd 

Neo Fujiwara 10.75m B 2nd 


Shot Putt

Kurt Fullerton (V40) 9,73m A 3rd 

Prithvi Raj Sharma (U20) 7.35m B 4th 



Thomas Wassermann (U20) 24.51m A 5th 

Ivan Ross (V45) 19.63m B 5th 



Thomas Wassermann (U20) 22.43m A 5th 



Ivan Ross (V45) 31.38m A 5th 

Thomas Wassermann (U20) 27.21m B 4th 



1st London Heathside 43.7



1st London Heathside 3:34.4 




Asia Emanuel (U17) 12.6 A 2nd PB NCR

Magdeline Paitoo (U17) 12.9 B 1st 

Samiyah Wilson (U17) 13.2 ns 

Caitlin Leach 14.2 ns

Jasmine Creer 13.8 ns



Magdeline Paitoo (U17) 26.3 A 4th 

Samiyah Wilson (U17) 27.5 B 1st 

Noelle O'Regan 28.3 ns



Rachel MacDonald 61.3 A 2nd 

Noelle O'Regan 65.6 B 4th 



Rachel MacDonald 2:22.7 A 3rd 

Emily Clarke 2:27.7 B 2nd 



Lily Woolcock 5:05.7 A 3rd 

Genevieve Weston 5:29.5 B 4th 



Emily Clarke 10:53.1 A 3rd  

Ysabel Drewett 10:57.1 B 1st 

Kimberli Butler 13:36.4 ns



Kyra Smith (U17) DQ

Genevieve Weston 27.6 B 2nd 



Genevieve Weston 88.6 A 3rd 

Lily Woolcock 87.0 B 2nd 



Lily Woolcock 8:50.4 A 3rd 

Genevieve Weston 9:03.6 B 2nd 


High Jump

Genevieve Weston 1.10m A 6th 

Lily Woolcock 0.92m B 5th 


Pole Vault

Genevieve Weston 1.21m A 3rd 


Long Jump

Asia Emanuel (U17) 4.76m A 1st 

Kyra Smith (U17) 4.41m B 1st 


Triple Jump

Genevieve Weston 6.38m A 6th  

Lily Woolcock 5.27m B 5th 


Shot Putt

Elkie Baker (U17) 7.69m A 4th 

Imani Quamina (U20) 7.25m B 3rd 



Genevieve Weston 15.59m A 5th 

Elkie Baker (U17) NM



Kyra Smith (U17) 16.08m A 5th 

Imani Quamina (U20) 15.34m B 5th 



Elkie Baker (U17) 17.81m A 5th 

Genevieve Weston 12.51m B 5th 



1st London Heathside (Quamina, Smith, Emanuel, Paitoo) 50.2 PB NCR 



3rd London Heathside 4:44.3 


Compiled by Caroline White, with thanks for contributions from Lily Woolcock Rich Macaulay and Simon Baker

Thanks also to https://www.ghsportsphotos.com/contact for the SAL photos